
Welcome! This site chronicles my adventures in urban exploration.

What is urban exploration/urbex?

It means exploring and documenting places that are normally off-limits to the general public. Mostly this involves abandoned buildings and other structures, but not always.

I don’t claim to be a particularly adventurous explorer or a particularly talented photographer (both facts you can probably pick up from reading my articles!) but I do get a lot of enjoyment out of exploring, and I like to share my photographs and experiences with the world.

In common with most urban explorers, I will only explore places if there is a way in that avoids doing any damage (both because I disagree with causing damage, and because it would be a criminal offence).

Disclaimer: the fact that I describe a building on here doesn’t necessarily mean it’s safe or legal to go in it. Please, always exercise caution and common sense. Gcat is not responsible for the consequences of anything you choose to do after reading this website.


32 Responses

  1. Paul says:

    Hope your well.

    I have really enjoyed reading through this website, thank you for sharing your explores.

    I am so interested in urban ex, and also love photography and history.

    I was wondering if you would consider letting me tag along on some of your explores?

    Many many urban explorers are so precious about what they do and are not interested in newbies πŸ™

    Hope you get this email ok..

    Thanks for reading


    • gcat says:

      Hi πŸ™‚ glad you enjoyed the site. I know how you feel regarding getting into urbex… I found the same thing when I first started, it’s hard to find locations and to meet people to go with. I don’t have any explores planned right now due to being busy with other things for a few months, but if anything suitable comes up I will give you a shout.

  2. mauricio leal says:

    Really interesting stuff,I fascinated about these old railways in Glasgow.
    Thanks for that.
    I also heard there is a project to maybe bring them back to use….any inside knowledge about that?

    • gcat says:

      Glad you enjoyed the posts :). The old Glasgow railways are possibly my favourite places I’ve explored.
      There’ve been various proposals over the years to reopen some of the disused lines, but nothing definite that I’m aware of just now. Of the ones I’ve explored, the old Glasgow Central line could probably be reopened from Stobcross up to Kirklee (although it would require undoing some of the flood prevention works in the tunnels and rerouting the footpath at Kelvinbridge). Any further than that probably wouldn’t be feasible due to the amount of new housing that has been built across the line. It does seem a shame that the tunnels can’t be used for something though.

  3. Chris says:

    Hi gcat – some superb tunnel photos there. I find them very difficult to photograph especially if looking back towards the entrance. They tend to eat up torchlight too

    I’d be grateful if I could email you a query about the Scotland Street tunnel – many thanks

  4. Corie says:

    Hello! I’m exploring the botanical gardens tunnel and your site was very helpful in finding the kelvinbridge tunnel. I’m very curious about how you got down to the actual tunnel? The metal doors by inn deep are locked and it’s quite a way down. Anything helps. Thanks a bunch!

  5. Roisin Hamilton-Pringle says:

    hey! I’m a relatively new urban explorer however i love it and have been quite a few places in scotland. I’m moving up to aberdeen and i was wondering if you’d be able to help me if you knew any places around there?? i love your website and style of photographs!! i have been inspired by some of your images which is sometimes able to be seen in my images! hope you can help!!:)

    • gcat says:

      Hi πŸ™‚ glad you like the site. Unfortunately I don’t know of anywhere around Aberdeen… I think the furthest north I’ve been exploring is actually the Glenfarg tunnels just south of Perth (which are well worth a visit if you like tunnels).

  6. Philip says:

    Hi, my publishing company Ringwood (based in Glasgow) are doing a walking guide to the abandoned railways of NW Glasgow (overground of course). Basically following the old lines, now and then photos, local wildlife, industrial history etc. But we’d like to tell people what it’s like to be in the tunnels – could we speak to you?
    Thanks and best wishes,

  7. Will says:

    Hey I’ve just started urbex and was wondering if you could drop me an email to give me some tips etc

  8. Caitlin Sharkey says:

    I’m a student journalist and I’m looking to write an article on urban exploration in Scotland. I was wondering I could ask you a few questions? Thank you!

  9. John says:

    Hello. Can you send me please your e-mail addres, I want to ask a few questions about urbex in Edinburgh.

  10. Karen says:

    Hi there,
    I am a student doing a project on the botanic gardens station and I have been searching everywhere for sections of the tunnels and station from when they were built, can’t seem to find anything!
    I was wondering if you have any dimensions of the site?
    It would help me out a lot.

  11. Dave says:

    Not sure if this site is still active, just wanted to say a big thanks and am glad I stumbled across this site now.

    Recently 2017 went to the botanic gardens to hop the fence for tunnel entrance but even the entrance down to the tunnels is now been fenced off and excavated…sob!

    hope your doing well and still out exploring?



    • gcat says:

      Yep, they have fenced off the entire cutting now, you can’t even get to the tunnel portal or the old Kirklee platforms anymore πŸ™ .

      I haven’t had much time for exploring lately but I’ve always intended to get back to it. I do have a couple of things planned for later in the year, and a few minor explores that I haven’t got round to writing up yet…

  12. CARA MCKINNEY says:


    I’m a student designing places for urban renewal and really love your exploration of the botanics tunnel, is there any chance you would you be open to talking about it with me for my major project?

    Thanks for your time either way!

  13. Stephen says:

    hi – great site. I was wondering was the book mentioned a few years ago Ringwood every published? Their website is down and would be interested in finding out more about it cheers

    • gcat says:

      As far as I know it never happened in the end, which is a shame as it would have been interesting.

  14. Kate says:

    I’m doing my alevel art research project into decay/destruction of urban sites/architecture and was wondering if you’d be up for a conversation about some good sites to visit in Edinburgh? The Scotland street railway tunnel? How did you manage to get in there? The entrance in the George V park is barred up so can’t seem to be able to get in. Any help/advice (I’m pretty new to all this urban exploration stuff) would be v much appreciated!!

  15. Emese Stork says:


    I’m a final year interior design student. My diploma project is based in the Botanic Garden tunnel. I know that many of my colleges have been asked if you could send your 3D model as a reference to the project in the past years πŸ™‚ and now, I have to do the same. So, is there any chance you could share the file with me?

    Thank you so much in advance!

  16. Jay Slater says:

    Great urbex photos! Would you be interested in joining our Abandoned Australia photography series? Although our phenomenally successful Abandoned Union has been based on US states and cities, we would like to announce a new urbex photography series dedicated to Australian cities and large areas of population. And we pay royalties! Interested in learning more? If so, please do drop me an e-mail: j.slater@fonthillmedia.com. More can be found here: http://www.through-time.com. The series consists of 140-160 images and 7,000 words and captions; in return, we offer an 8 per cent royalty. If possible, I have attached a selection of happy author pics with their books, a number of which have been interviewed in local and national press, which raises their online profile remarkably. Also, we will consider crime, paranormal and local history titles. Got an idea for me or something else Australian related?

    Jay Slater

    E-mail: j.slater@fonthillmedia.com

    Publisher, Fonthill Media

  17. TC says:

    Hey there,

    I’d be grateful to connect via email around some tips – relatively new at this.

    Really enjoy your website, much appreciated!

  18. Louise says:

    Can I join a group? or go with someone.

  19. Cayetana Gormaz says:


    We are four researchers from the University of Edinburgh. We are currently researching cycling infrastructure in Edinburgh and we are interested in the Scotland Street tunnel as it could be a possible future project. We were just wondering where did you get the photos and if you got them yourself you could tell us how we can enter the tunnel.

    Thank you! πŸ™‚

    • gcat says:

      Hi πŸ™‚ Yes, I did take the photos myself. Unfortunately, though, it’s not easy to get in there. I was let in several years ago as part of a group of photographers, but I’m afraid I can’t remember now who organised it or who they had to speak to to get the tunnel opened. Best of luck with your research. (If you do find a way in, let me know as I would love another look in there!).

  20. Adden says:

    Hi this is a bit of weird long shot but me and friend who both struggle with our mental health are interested in urban exploration especially if it’s a location with lot of old junk we call it “scrap therapy” I was wondering if you knew of any easy locations around Glasgow

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