The abandoned station underneath Glasgow's Botanic Gardens seems to generate a lot of interest. Since I posted my exploration report and photos from the station on my urbex blog, I think I've had more people contact me about that one entry than all the others put together.
Unfortunately, actually getting to see the disused station (beyond the tantalising glimpse that you can get by looking down through the open vents in the Gardens) isn't easy; to my knowledge, it's never been officially opened up to visitors in the entire time it's been closed. A lot of people visited it unofficially, but this has become more difficult in recent years as the fencing has been made much more secure. Others may be curious about what it's like in there but not want to risk going in themselves for one reason or another.
So I decided to give people the next best thing: the chance to explore the station and its connecting tunnels online. The 3D model on this page is intended to be a pretty accurate representation of the state of the station as it was when I visited. Everything has been modeled from actual photographs as much as possible. You can move along the route of the old railway by clicking in the main view, clicking on the direction arrows in the bottom right, or using the 'W' and 'S' keys. You can also click and drag the view to look around, or use the 'A' and 'D' keys.
There are a few other things to see as well as Botanic Gardens Station itself: to the north, a short tunnel under the middle of the Gardens leads out into the open air and the remains of Kirklee Station can be seen there. To the east, a much longer tunnel runs under Great Western Road for 700 yards and emerges at Kelvinbridge, where the remains of yet another station lurk in the darkness under an old bridge that once supported the station building itself (now long-demolished, like the others on the line).
(There's also an interesting, and even longer, abandoned tunnel beyond Kelvinbridge, running underneath Kelvingrove Park towards Stobcross. I may extend the model to include this tunnel in the future).
To use this page, you'll need a browser and operating system that supports WebGL. A recent version of Chrome or Firefox is probably your best bet if you have trouble getting it to work in Internet Explorer, but WebGL is still fairly new technology and some graphics cards unfortunately might not support it even with an up-to-date browser. If it works but is slow, try making your browser window smaller. If you're interested in the technical details, I wrote a blog post here about how I created the model.
Have fun! :)
Model and code copyright (c) James T. Perry 2015-2016, all rights reserved. Textures were mostly downloaded from, used under license. The glMatrix and jQuery libraries are also used. Map image (c) Crown copyright and database right 2015, used under Ordnance Survey OpenData license. If you have questions or comments, please contact me.